Sunday, April 27, 2014

New military history research: Concentration camps during WWII

Holocaust Genocide Studies presents three articles of interest:

Jovan Byford contrasts the collected testimonies from survivors of the Jasenovac concentration camp.  The camp was not a German run but rather established and run by Croatians.  Byford compares the approaches taken by US oral historians and Serbian oral historians in regards to this camp.
 Between 1941-1945: Ustasa's demonstrate sawing off a Serb 
(Branko Jungić from village Grabovac, near Bosanksa Gradiška) man's head.

Michael Fleming addresses the idea that the West did not have good information about the existence of Auschwitz during the war.  Fleming states the Polish government in exile had information which was provided to Western governments but the information was restricted in circulation.  Fleming argues that English and Polish histories on this topic must be linked together to gain a better understanding about the history of what was known about the camp.
 April 24, 1945 - SS First Lieutenant Franz Hossler in front of a truck of deceased prisoners from German concentration camps he helped supervise including Auschwitz.

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